Best and the Funniest Random joke ever (Click Here)
1. On judgement day some guys will still be looking at girls bombom bros kukuma follow her to hell
2. A've noticed that some okada men will just be pressing brake anyhow just to feel girls breast
Bro ur case day hell
3. Some guys will marry girls because of thier body assets and forget the future liabilities.. 4. After charging up to 100percent it discharged to 5percent and u say i should not go and beg my village people just leave me o
5. U entered shoprite to snap pics
When u where posing ur body now shake one gucci watch with 250k price tag and it fell down and break . My sister u better fall down and die.
6. The moment u are walking past ur village shrine and u heard ur name three times
my bro just answer ur call to duty.
7. Researcher say hearing your name
when no one call you is liky a sign of
healthy mind but wait oo, come to think of it how are you so sure that you village
people are not the one testing their
microphone. lemme be looking sha
8. Nowadays ladies mostly attends makeup schools than catering schools this our generation eh guys lets be looking maybe we will eat palm cake or foundation
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